

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Henshaws Sausage Run 2014: Practice Run

I was recently invited to be a part of the Henshaws Sausage Run 2014 by Glen Lockett, Head of Fundraising, at the Henshaws Resource Centre in Manchester.

The Sausage Run is an annual event where riders travel from the Henshaws centre in Old Trafford up to the Arts & Crafts centre in Knaresborough, roughly an hour and half away, to claim their sausage sandwich for participating!

I jumped at the opportunity to be on the back of a motorbike. With being severely sight-impaired it's not something I've ever had the opportunity to do - so I wanted to try it out, and I can confirm that I absolutely loved every minute of it!

I first talked to Chris, my volunteer motorbike partner, last Friday via phone to arrange a day that we could meet up at my home and have a practice run around my local area. We both decided on Wednesday evening and Glen came along as well! 

After introducing myself properly to Chris we then began the basics of how to get on and off the bike, where to rest my feet, where I hold onto the straps, and so on. We all thought it was going to take a little while for me to be able to get onto the bike - but surprisingly I got on it quickly and with ease - much to my own surprise too!

After getting used to the sound and feel of the engine, we were quickly off down my street and heading towards the roundabout into Irlam so that I could get used to the swerving motion when it comes to curved roads during the Sausage Run. I got used to the motion of tilting around curved roads and roundabouts and started to enjoy it fairly quickly!

Chris had some spare time, and I'd loved what I'd experienced so far, so we both agreed to have a proper half-hour ride to Warrington, Culcheth and Glazebury before heading back home to Irlam. The weather was beautifully warm and the varying scents were wonderful as we drove past open fields of fragrant plants and flowers. I didn't want the ride to end as I was enjoying it so much!

My practice run was wonderful and I want to say a huge thank you to Glen for taking photos and for providing me with such an awesome opportunity, and to Chris for volunteering to ride with a visually impaired first-timer and for being so supportive.

For more information about the Sausage Run 2014, you can visit the Henshaws website and the Evenbrite page!